Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's 2012 and the dial on the scale keeps going in the wrong direction!

Right around thanksgiving is when I first noticed that I have been putting on weight for no real apparent reason. I was eating the same ... my exercise was the same which is basically none but REALLY I shouldnt be gaining weight and before I could get a grip on it here it is February and I have put on another 15lbs. I am thoroughly convinced that food attaches to my body even if I look at it.

Of course depression follows and well long story short. Here I am with a resolution and a new diet. It's called eat healthy and move your a$$ and it starts today not tomorrow not next week. I am sick and tired of getting on the scale week after week, the pain in my knees, the fear of type II diabetes and any other risks that might follow. For crying out loud I am only 28 not 82. :( Rude awakening.

I dont really have a plan yet. I still dont know when and where to squeeze my exercise in but I am going to do something even if it's as simple as parking in the furthest corner of the garage.

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